Newark Content Creator Mixer

On Tuesday, October 17th at 6:30 pm, ABF Creative & Podcasters Of NJ held an event for Newark Tech Week to gather all creatives at Newark Local Beers in the heart of downtown Newark, New Jersey. The event attendees were creators from podcasting, blogging, TV/film media, and tech. The Newark Content Creator mixer provided music, networking, and conversations regarding the value of AI awareness within content creation. The event had great speakers like Akilah Thompkins-Robinson, SAS Founder of SEO Assist Software, who provided AI Tools for Creators.

Our main panel was moderator, by Denese Longsworth, founder of Podcasters of NJ, with questions based on "Sounder and Urban One’s Groundbreaking Research on AI/ML-Driven Brand Safety & Suitability for Podcasting" The speakers from the panel included the COO of Sounder Bittany Kandybowicz, Dre Smith, Head of Podcast at Urban One Podcast, and Corey Gumbs, Founder of the Black Podcasters Association. We also had special guests like sponsors from Invest Newark, Emily Manz, and the Founder of Newark Tech Week, Citi Medina. We are committed to adding value to our Podcasters Of NJ community by returning with more events and meetups for 2024.


“Podcasters Of NJ Instagram live Mid-Fall Recap with Angel Forte Of The Mermaid & The Lion Podcast.”